Intro to Tech in New Brunswick Part 2: A Job Ready Workshop
Below is a recording of TechImpact's Intro to Tech in New Brunswick session held on Monday, March 27th, 2023.
If you were able to attend the "Intro to Tech in New Brunswick Part 2: A Job Ready Workshop" on Monday, March 27th thank you so much for your participation.
Based on the information that you've learned in the session, and using the tools provided (the job ready workbook, the cover letter template and the resume template), we hope you feel better prepared for the next step in your tech job search.
We are here to help! Once you've incorporated these learnings into your job ready tool kit and have updated your resume using our template, you may upload your resume and personal brand statement via this form. The team will post resumes to our JobHub platform only once they meet our standards as outlined in the presentation. Once the submissions have been reviewed, you will be informed of the next steps.
To clarify, please do not submit your material until you have revised it with the learnings from this presentation, our team is going to be reviewing the resumes that are uploaded through the form above only. Take your time, and do not rush, we want your best submissions! Work through your workbook, prepare your personal brand statement, and use the templates provided.
We want to continue having workshops like today, if you are interested in being informed on future sessions, networking events, training opportunities, and more please sign up to our job seeker mailing list.
You had questions, and we answered! Below are the answers to some of the questions that were asked during Monday’s workshop. If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Q: If you have a French and English CV, how do you know which to send or to put in LinkedIn?
A: It depends on the company you are applying to. Take cues from the job description and highlight all the languages you speak in your resume. Consider your audience, if you are applying for a job in the Francophone community with a French-speaking team your French version may be preferred. When in doubt reach out to the company or recruiter and ask for their preference. As for LinkedIn, you can include a description in both the official languages and the language of your choice.
Q: Do you have to wait until graduation day to be considered 'graduated', or when you've finished your final exams?
A: Absolutely not. The earlier you begin your job search the better. You can proactively reach out and network with employers at any time during your education journey. If you’re searching for work before your graduation date specify the anticipated graduation date on your resume and LinkedIn.
Q: The presenter said to make sure your resume and your LinkedIn profile match. But if you're changing your resume for job submissions, how do you have them match your LinkedIn profile?
A: It’s important to start with a clear objective for your job search. Try to get focused on a specific type of job or job category this way your resume and LinkedIn profile should require very little change. Most often, you will only be adjusting your cover letter for each job application. The more specific your job search the easier things will be and the more success you will have.
For another example, You have worked as a developer in the past but recently did a course on business analysis and you want to pursue a role as a business analyst. Your resume will be more developer centric so in your cover letter, you might want to share that this is a career change to business analyst while you’re also bringing your development experience with you. Help the employer understand what you’re looking for through your cover letter.
Q: How do present my portfolio or work that I have done to support the rest of my application package?
A: Placing hyperlinks under the skills and certification section of your resume is a great way to highlight a portfolio. Just be sure that the links work. If you’re including a portfolio, be sure that the work examples are relevant to the type of position you are applying for. Lastly, don’t forget to include a link to your portfolio on LinkedIn.
Q: Should I tailor my resume to the job I'm applying for?
A: Minor adjustments to your cover letter and resume for each job application are recommended such as including the hiring manager's name, the company name, and the highlight points that relate back to the job description. Make sure that your job search objective and intention are clear so that you are not maintaining multiple versions of your documents.
Q: I've been placing my LinkedIn profile and a list of my references in my cover letter not my resume, is this the best way to showcase these assets?
A: A best practice is to provide a hyperlink to your LinkedIn profile in the header of your resume so that employers can gain quick access. Any references that you want to share can be put at the end of your resume.
Q: How does a new graduate (or someone who will graduate in the next 2-4 months) position themselves ahead of someone with 2-3 years of experience for entry-level jobs?
A: Don’t be concerned about other candidates and focus on what makes you uniquely qualified for the position. Be sure to help the hiring manager or recruiter understand why you are the best person for the role and how you will fit into the company culture. A candidate who will be a good team player and who aligns with the company values is sometimes better positioned for a role than a candidate with more years of experience. Be sure to demonstrate to the prospective employer of your problem-solving skills and ability to learn as demonstrated through classroom or volunteer work.
This is your opportunity to position YOU.
Q: Does masters research experience count as work experience when we talk about years of experience in the cover letter or resume summary about?
A: Yes, and make sure to mention it in your experience. Focus on the skills that you have learned and the experience that you gained during your Masters experience. If your work included working with other businesses, universities, or others, this is interesting to highlight.
Focus on telling your story and how your research experience related to the position being applied for. Remember all experience comes with transferable skills. it’s your responsibility and opportunity to show the potential manager how you will leverage that experience to this position.
Q: I am looking for a remote-only job, what is the best way to express this?
A: Start by researching employers who offer remote first positions. You can learn more about this on employer websites and LinkedIn. Sometimes job postings will also be specific to a remote first workforce or hybrid environment. In a cover letter, you could mention that you’re comfortable with remote working however I would not specifically request it at this stage. Instead, discuss this requirement during your initial interview. Some employers will be open to accommodating remote work arrangements based on specific circumstances. Also, be mindful that some positions and industries are not well suited for remote working arrangements.
Q: During the presentation, it was mentioned that we should apply for a job if we meet 50 to 70% of the requirements. What is your advice for applying for a job that requires a different degree level, (e.g. Ph.D. vs MSc), to what we currently have?
A: Some jobs require more advanced degrees, especially in medical or science fields due to compliance and/or funding. In these situations, you can still apply but the education level may be nonnegotiable.
In the situation that a position is requesting an MBA or a University degree, there could be more opportunity to position your experience to offset the specific title or education level. If you meet 50-70% of the requirements based on proven experience but you’re missing a title you should still apply and clearly explain why an employer should consider your application without the Ph.D. or other requirements.
Q: How can I position myself for an entry-level data science or machine learning position, if I only have 16 months of co-op work experience and masters research in software engineering or development?
A: Sixteen months of a co-op position and a master's in research is a great starting point for an entry-level data science role. Focus on the skills and experiences that you’ve gained during your co-op placement and connect those experiences to the requirements of entry-level data science. You likely have many transferrable skills in problem-solving, data structuring, and communication that you can highlight in your job search. If you don’t have extensive experience in data science. highlight your certifications and projects from school. Remember, every experience counts.
Q: I have heard of a need to be silent on or not mention my years of experience so that I don't appear "over qualified" for a position, is this the best approach?
A: Talk about your years of experience, it’s valuable. Position yourself for the type of role you want to take. Don’t hide anything. If you’re overqualified, then the right employer will see that as an asset. This is applicable if you’re coming from another industry or are looking to start a fresh career. Tell the story and connect the dots. Help them understand this in your cover letter.
Q: As a PHD student I am focusing on expanding my knowledge at the same time as I am working on my thesis, can you please recommend a source for educational material? Also how can I make sure of the knowledge I am working on is in line with the job position I will be looking for after graduation? Are the current job descriptions enough to look at?
A: There are many different sources for online courses that are free for anyone to sign up and complete. Look at IBM Skills Build, Coursera, Microsoft, and many others. Without understanding your area of study, it is difficult to make a recommendation.
Looking at job descriptions and workforce trends is a great way to ensure alignment between your current studies and future career aspirations. You can start by checking out some of the resources on the TechImpact website.
If you’re looking to expand your knowledge with regard to job search you can start with the workshop participant guide and referenced materials. Also, we would love to see you at future events and workshops!