
Powered By People

Written by CollabHub | May 16, 2023 7:28:46 PM

Powered By People is a multi-feature symposium that will solve employers' most pressing talent needs, and connect companies, service providers, and jobseekers in the Saint John Region.

Get inspired and take action with Keynote Speaker, Tanya Chapman as she highlights employment trends and shares practical strategies for workforce development and organizational effectiveness.

Are you a CEO, COO, Business Owner, Human Resource Leader, or People Manager? This Keynote is for you! Unleash your potential to attract exceptional talent.

Elevate your talent attraction game with insights from their panel of experts

Choose two of four panels based on your organizational needs:

  1. HR for the Non-HR: Are you a small or medium-sized business that is struggling with onboarding or finding talent? Discover resources that are available in the Saint John Region, and learn about talent pools beyond your network.

  2. Building Talent Pipelines - From Students to Staff: Explore the talent that is at your fingertips - lean into your requirements to develop talent partnerships and learn about effective onboarding and training strategies.

  3. Untapped Local Talent Pools: Discover overlooked skilled talent (seniors, newcomers, people with various abilities etc.) and explore the barriers that are currently holding you back.

  4. External Talent Pools - International: Connect with experts to discover the various ways to attract and hire the talent that meets your needs.

Are you a CEO, COO, Business Owners, Human Resource Leader, or People Manager? These panels are for you to unlock workforce solutions!

Workforce Resource Marketplace 

  • Building a better workforce: The Workforce Marketplace brings employers and service providers together to discover resources that will lead to solutions for your business.

  • Connect directly to public services like WorkingNB, ImmigrationNB, businesses specializing in HR and immigration, and academia offering workforce development solutions.

Are you a Hiring Manager, Business Owner, or Human Resource Leader? The Workforce Marketplace is for you!

Career Fair 

  1. Connect with local talent in real life to find your perfect match!

  2. If you are an employer looking to have a booth at the Career Fair, please email Stephanie Davidson, at

  3. The Career Fair is free to attend for jobseekers. Please bring an updated resume.